Faith Made Small

In Matthew 15:22-33, 

Peter and the other disciples were out in a small boat in the dead of night. 

As they struggled when they rowed against the wind, they saw something walking on top of the water. 

In shock and horror, it was approaching the boat, and coming after them! 

As they cried in terror, Jesus called out. It's me!

Peter said if it's really you, may I walk on water too!

Although Peter wasn't really sure that it was Jesus, he was sure that Jesus could walk on water, and he could too with Jesus' permission.

As he took one step and then another, he too walked on water! 

After he took a few steps, Peter got distracted by his surroundings and the impossibility of his predicament. 

After his focus shifted from Jesus, Peter sank.

Peter was convinced that Jesus could walk on water; however, he doubted that Jesus could reproduce what He did in his own life. 

Peter's small faith in what Jesus had said was exposed by his great faith in his situation, which was the wind and waves. (Matthew 19:26)

Do you want to have great faith or wimpy faith like Peter's that day? 

Then, keep your mind off your problem and onto your problem solver, Jesus. 

Do what He's told you to do. Do what He says, and stay tuned to Him.

M. H. Dennis


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